Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: ANIL 5.0 Appendices The IFD in our example: starts at position hex 14 P[roo II have been any rwhere in the file as long as the position gECHlCI trar M nb 108 since the TTFF heater 8byc long and nusI bc the first thing in a TF file With 16 rows per strip. we have 188 strips in al. The example csa number of optional tietds, such a5 Date Time. XHIL readers must safely skip Over these fields if they do rot want to use the information. And TIFF readers must not require that such fields b Puasatd Just for fon, our cxample has highly fragmented image data; te strips of our irmage are not even in sequertial order The point S that strip offsets must you be ignored. Never asume that strip N+1 follows strip Incidentally. there i5 no requirement that the image follow FD information. Just the follow th ...